Busca RAS R600A Refrigerante Ras, Gas Refrigerante R600A En Hidrocarburo, Refrigerante Pequeño Lata en el directorio Industry, Reliable fabricante / proveedor / fábrica de China

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Home > Lista de Producto > Gas refrigerante > Refrigerante Big Cylinder R134A & Reemplazar, R404A, R410A, R407C, R600A Tonner /ISO 926L en Hydrocarbon

Refrigerante Big Cylinder R134A & Reemplazar, R404A, R410A, R407C, R600A Tonner /ISO 926L en Hydrocarbon

Descripción del producto

Refrigerante Small Can R134A & Reemplazar, R404A, R410A, R407C, R600A \ N \ n \ n Categoría del producto: Refrigerante único \ n \ n Nombre del producto: R600A ISO-Butane \ n \ n N \ n

Molecular weight




Critical temperature , C


Critical pressure ,Mpa


Density of saturated liquid25 C,(g/cm 3 )


Specific heat of liquid 25 C,[KJ/(Kg· C)]






Critical density,g/cm 3


Vaporization heat under BP,KJ/Kg


\ n \ npackage y almacenamiento \ n120g/can, cilindro de acero desechable 6.5 kg/30lb, cilindro de acero reciclable de 20 kg/40l; 50 kg/118l, el coeficiente de llenado no es más de 0.49 kg/L, el cilindro debe almacenarse en frío, seco y seco y lugar ventilado. \ n \ n (E-Cool Manufacturing Co, Limited), acumuló una gran experiencia en negocios y se ha convertido en uno de los proveedores y productores más destacados de compresor, motor, componente y refrigerante y un /C Sistemas de repuestos en continente, China. \ N \ n \ n NRefrigerant big cylinder R134A & Replace,R404A, R410A,R407C,R600A  tonner /iso 926L in hydrocarbonRefrigerant big cylinder R134A & Replace,R404A, R410A,R407C,R600A  tonner /iso 926L in hydrocarbonRefrigerant big cylinder R134A & Replace,R404A, R410A,R407C,R600A  tonner /iso 926L in hydrocarbonRefrigerant big cylinder R134A & Replace,R404A, R410A,R407C,R600A  tonner /iso 926L in hydrocarbonRefrigerant big cylinder R134A & Replace,R404A, R410A,R407C,R600A  tonner /iso 926L in hydrocarbonRefrigerant big cylinder R134A & Replace,R404A, R410A,R407C,R600A  tonner /iso 926L in hydrocarbon \ n \ n otro producto \ n \ n \ n \ n Refrigerant big cylinder R134A & Replace,R404A, R410A,R407C,R600A  tonner /iso 926L in hydrocarbonRefrigerant big cylinder R134A & Replace,R404A, R410A,R407C,R600A  tonner /iso 926L in hydrocarbonRefrigerant big cylinder R134A & Replace,R404A, R410A,R407C,R600A  tonner /iso 926L in hydrocarbonRefrigerant big cylinder R134A & Replace,R404A, R410A,R407C,R600A  tonner /iso 926L in hydrocarbonRefrigerant big cylinder R134A & Replace,R404A, R410A,R407C,R600A  tonner /iso 926L in hydrocarbonRefrigerant big cylinder R134A & Replace,R404A, R410A,R407C,R600A  tonner /iso 926L in hydrocarbonRefrigerant big cylinder R134A & Replace,R404A, R410A,R407C,R600A  tonner /iso 926L in hydrocarbonRefrigerant big cylinder R134A & Replace,R404A, R410A,R407C,R600A  tonner /iso 926L in hydrocarbon \ n \ n

Grupos de Producto : Gas refrigerante